Z problemem mięśniaków boryka się spora grupa kobiet. Jest to jedna z „najpopularniejszych” dolegliwości układu rodnego, bardzo powszechna a zarazem niezwykle uciążliwa. Objawia się zazwyczaj w wieku 35-45, a więc dojrzałości lub wczesnego przekwitania, kiedy zmniejsza się produkcja niektórych hormonów (min estradiol, prolaktyna), mówi się, że zazwyczaj ma podłoże genetyczne. Etiologii mięśniaków poszukuje się też w nierównowadze hormonalnej (dokładniej z nadmierną produkcją estrogenów). Geny genami – jak wiadomo tendencję się dziedziczy – ale w dużej mierze na taką dolegliwość, my kobiety, pracujemy sobie same. Ciekawe co powiem za kilkanaście lat biorąc pod uwagę ogromne mięśniaki u mojej babci i mamy, ale na dzień dzisiejszy próbuję przyjrzeć się im trochę z innej strony.
malwy sudańskiej lub wodę kokosową z cukrem palmowym. Generalnie pij dużo:)
I jeszcze ciekawe badania naukowe: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4649577/
Today, instead of reflecting on the meaning of life and death, which I have around the 1th of november, my thoughts and work went down to the uterus fibroids 🙂 And this is because:
– once Krzyś has spread me this morning with the question „how much stairs have to be climbed to enter heaven” and
– two: today, on my pilates class, client have complained a bit about their myomas, fibroids and asked for some effective natural remedy. I decided that the answer to this question would be more appropriate to describe than philosophical and moral reflections, and therefore this is my work:
A large group of women struggle with the problem of fibroids. This is one of the „most common” ailments of the reproductive system, very common and at the same time extremely burdensome. It usually appears at the age of 35-45, ie maturity or early menopause, when the production of some hormones (min estradiol, prolactin) decreases, it is usually said to have a genetic basis. The aetiology of fibroids is also sought in hormone imbalance (more specifically with excessive production of estrogens). Genes – as it is known, the tendency inherits – but to a large extent on this ailment, we women, we work alone. I wonder what I will say in a some years considering the huge myomas my grandmother and my mother, but today I try to look at them from a different angle.
In Ayurveda, the cause of muscularity in the excessive growth of kapha is seen, but with the participation of others doshas as „guiding” to the place where and how this increase is to manifest. In other words, too much kapha can be accumulated in various forms and in different places in the body – where it will be and in what condition is a question of the psychosomatic constitution and energy of the vata as the one that „spreads over the body”. For example, a woman with a constitution kapha excess kapha will put down the form of cysts, tumors, steatosis in organs corresponding to kapha, e.g. stomach, kidneys; in a pitta woman, fibroids in the uterus will become more familiar; the vata woman will have erosions. Excess kapha is the result of long-term duplication of nutritional errors, inappropriate lifestyle and overloading of the lymphatic system – we can be sure about that. Thus, having two causative factors: the tendency resulting from the constitution (genes) and the increase in kapha energy resulting from the above examples, it is necessary to harmonize and balance energy in the body. She said what she knew 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Step one: eating habits – do not be hungry long time, eat small, frequent meals, apply the rules that harmonize the kapha. Strengthen the digestive fire, do not make it unstable. Seemingly trivial and so difficult to achieve in everyday life …
Step two: avoid estrogen in the diet; especially synthetic ones. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them everywhere, pay attention to junk food, but also to the packaging in which you buy products. Avoid plastic.
Step three: if due to the growth of myomas you suffer from constipation and pain in the loins, you must ask the yoga teacher to choose the appropriate exercises to loosen the areas and release energy from the abdominal region (eg bandha sarvangasana set)
Step four: remember about the exercises; BUT, during heavy bleeding, refrain from exertion. Do not provoke, do not stimulate much blood loss.
Step five: during a very heavy bleeding, lubricate the feet with ghee butter, drink tea from Sudan mallow flowers or coconut water with palm sugar. Generally drink a lot 🙂
Step five: use the Ayurvedic first aid kit: Kanchanar Guggulu and Ashokarishta (I found unfortunately only on the Amazon).
Step six: doable? do not stress … at least that much 🙂
P.S.I hope that since I could not answer sensibly to my 6-year-old son, I managed to put together some relatively logical content at least in this matter …
Scientific material to know: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4649577/